"Welcome to 'The Jot Pot', my admiration of all things inspiring, food, art, and parts of my daily life."

Friday, January 8, 2010

meal time, baby

Exactly 10 days from today, my little man will start to eat solids. Everything from the plates, cutlery, food processor, table wear sterilizer are ready. What's not is the menu. Still have to ask here, there, and read more references on what to start feeding him. I'm thinking fruits and biscuits at first. I'd love to hear your first time feeding solid experiences.

I wonder if this spoon and fork sold on etsy would make meal time more special?

photo: via babygadget


  1. buah dan biskuit terakhir aja el, gue ngikutin AIMI sih awal2 kasihnya tepung beras gasol bisa delivery kok tar gue kasi nomornya yaaa.. hehehehe excited gaaak? waktu itu gue excited berat..

  2. gitu ya? excited sih, and hoping he likes the food too. hehehehe oks dets, thanxies!
