"Welcome to 'The Jot Pot', my admiration of all things inspiring, food, art, and parts of my daily life."

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

stitch it up

Once upon a log, I came happily home from a shop that sells craft goods near my house. I bought the material to make more yo-yo's and try out if I can make some patchwork stuff. But I had to buy the embroidery hoop too. Just because.

Here's how its destiny turned out. Hmm... I hope Fabian is proud of what I made him :)

I only learnt how to do the blanket stitch before I began this project via a short course over the internet. And now, I think I'm in love with it. I can imagine sewing bits and pieces of material everywhere using this stitch. Ha ha. Sorry, this is as exciting my life gets :P

1 comment:

  1. hi...salam kenal :)
    i think fabian looooveeessssss it :)
